Craig's Vision To Move Hawthorne Forward

Vision To Move Hawthorne Forward What Does This Mean?


As an Independent and Green, I Propose An Extensive & Bold Plan.

Hawthorne Will Benefit For Future Generations!


  • Flooding has increased exponentially since we started running for Hawthorne Town Council in 2019. We need to elect a council person who will lead on this issue. I would work with the county, state and reach out to federal agencies to implement a 30 year plan to project future flood patterns and work to protect our citizens. We need to regularly inspect our catch basins and if necessary upgrade any aging infrastructure. All new streetscape projects located in or near flood areas need to use green infrastructure which can include rain gardens, storm water planters, permeable pavements and tree filter boxes. Not only will this help and alleviate flooding for our citizens in Ward 3 but throughout Hawthorne as well. We are all impacted as a community each time our roadways have to be closed down, cars are lost due to flooding or people have to be evacuated in emergency situations.

  • Electric garbage trucks and in house trash removal. I support setting a sub-committee to plan ahead for when this current contract ends by doing a feasibility report to reclaim our own trash pickup and removal. We need a council person to be proactive, bold and work to secure state grant money to migrate to our own service of electric garbage trucks. We would save money in the long run by purchasing our own garbage trucks, offering a proper living wage to locals through our DPW which would ensure proper care along with knowledge of our streets. Hawthorne could file for and secure grant money from the NJDEP or the EDA to help offset the migration and investment. Bergenfield received $1.2 million, Trenton $1.5 million and Jersey City $2 million grant for electric garbage trucks and another $1 million for various charging stations and infrastructure. This approach would pay for more than half of what is needed and the rest would be subsidized and will pay itself off in 4-5 years. I say let's invest in our people and in our town by bringing this in house! This would be an environmental and quality of life win for all of Hawthorne!




  • It's time we embraced tax relief programs like in other towns. We always talk about shop, dine or contract locally with one of our businesses. What if by doing this a homeowner could save on their property taxes at the end of the year? This exists already in towns like Marlboro. Residents sign up for a town rewards card and that tracks all your purchases through participating local vendors, restaurants  and shops. This way this money stays in the local economy and gives a slight break to our homeowners.


  • Supporting a sustainable Hawthorne doing its part in managing climate change and reducing pollution. By encouraging more use of renewable sources of energy in our municipal buildings, our local businesses and residences. Utilize current state and federal grants to implement and invest in our towns future.  


  • Working to ensure safety and reduce speeding on major arteries of town. Identifying intersections that need better crosswalks and signage. Walking through and towards key areas of town, Goffle Brook Park or 8 Acres falls on us to manage better. I will work with the administration, county and police. We may need to reduce the speed limits, install better signage around town and utilize our police to patrol more of these highly frequented roads.


  • Focusing on more quality life and social activities. Make "Dining On Diamond Bridge" an annual spring/summer event by working with the local businesses and the county to offer a better outdoor experience. Include lighting, live music, painting classes, fitness instructors and more which will help create a restaurant row vibe like in other towns. We can decide to close down the first weekend of the month or the last and make sure communication occurs with our other small businesses on Diamond Bridge. 


  • Supporting as before the No Fossil Fuels pledge and even go further by starting we will take NO money from the Fossil Fuels industry, NO Corporate PAC donations and NO Developer ties. Signing onto the Green New Deal which in local towns helps to ensure safe & clean drinking water, ensures government buildings meet higher standards and new local buildings are LEED certified. Residential weatherization grants with training for local contractors will help bolster our local economy. All this ensures I'm beholden to you the voters of Hawthorne only!



Check Out Each Sub-Page For Each Section of the Vision


Grassroots Democracy


Ecological Wisdom


Community Based Economics


Future Focus & Sustainability